Month: May 2008

  • Bees

    Last year I noticed that there was a colony of bees living in the base of a red wood tree near my garden gate. As wasn’t too bothered about them at the time as the place was more or less a building site. One of the bees Then, a couple of weeks ago my father…

  • My Favourite Things ~ ‘Oak Beam’

    So far in this series of my favourite things at the barn I’ve focussed on original features, this is the first of the new features we’ve introduced during the conversion. We chose these oak beams instead of steels to support the first floor for a couple of reasons. From a ‘healthy house’ perspective we minimised…

  • Early Interior Video

    I’m a little late in posting this as it was taken a couple of months ago, but I think it’s worth adding as it gives a feeling of the internal space on the first floor as it starts to take shape.

  • Code for Sustainable Homes

    The Code for Sustainable Homes is an essential read for anyone considering a sustainable home building project. In its own words: The Code for Sustainable Homes has been introduced to drive a step-change in sustainable home building practice. It is a standard for key elements of design and construction which affect the sustainability of a…

  • BREEAM ~ Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

    The term BREEAM is one that I’ve come across in various contexts over the course of this project and thought I’d better find out what it means… BREEAM is a widely used environmental assessment method for buildings. The assessments are carried out by qualified practitioners. For many types of development, assessments are a prerequisite. Through…

  • Microgeneration installations now ‘permitted developments’

    A piece of good news that is of great interest personally and I’m sure of interest to many people planning conversions and other projects, is that the installation of solar thermal & PV panels, combined-heat & power systems, biomass systems and water & ground source heat pumps will no longer require planning permission, so long…

  • Transition Town Llandeilo

    Llandeilo has been grabbing headlines recently with talk of launching its own currency under the banner of being the first transition town in Wales. The transition town movement concerns itself with tackling two major challenges, Peak Oil and Climate Change. The approach to tackling these challenges is by broadly applying permaculture principles, considering energy efficiency…

  • My Favourite Things ~ ‘Stone Wall’

    I have an urge to further extend and heighten these dry stone walls. I’ve always fancied living behind a wall. I think there’s something primal going on here.