Category: Inspiration
A lovely Flemish barn conversion
I love the interior of this conversion and the great use of horizontal slats on this conversion. I retains the essential ‘barnyness’ of the building… flemish-barn-by-arend-groenewegen-architect
What is a shadow gap?
A shadow gap – a mysterious dark place between two plains…
The Stirling prize 2012 winner – the Sainsbury Laboratory
The 2012 Stirling prize was won by a outsider, the Sainsbury Laboratory…
Wabi-sabi and my mossy step
I was just about to begin stripping the moss from the shaded face of the garden steps when I was reminded of the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi. Wabi-sabi, is a Japanese aesthetic concept that beauty can be found in impermanence, transience, and imperfection. So embracing the concept, I saved myself a job, spared the moss…
Art – design – form – function #FrankLloydWright
I was rather taken with this Frank Lloyd Wright observation…