Month: January 2010

  • It’s cold outside…

    It’s been a very cold Winter so far… But at least it’s warm inside!

  • Building Progress ~ December 2009

    Back to my old tricks and late as heck again…here we go… From November 2009: Finishing treating the untreated oak stairs and banisters is proving a real pain – the banisters along the landing have all been whitened & waxed, but the stairs themselves along with the banisters running down the stairs still need finishing,…

  • A Place of My Own

    For anyone with an interest in building, conversion or renovation, or in just getting your hands dirty, Michael Pollans ‘A Place of My Own’ is a great opportunity for some self reflection through Pollans written account of his own experiences in constructing ‘a room of  [his] own making‘.   The book is an insightful, introspective…

  • Self-builders need some encouragement…

    I occasionally ‘page’ through the ecologist website and came this article that piqued my interest: We need a citizens’ housing revolution Whilst a little short on content the sentiment – that the development of new housing can be partially entrusted to self-builders who should be ‘helped to create vital, sustainable communities’ – is one that…

  • In the bleak mid-winter…

    I’ve never known such a long, cold period in Wales… The snows been here so long that we’re getting quite bored with in… Roll on spring-time.

  • Logs 2

    The ice, snow and freezing temperatures of winter 2010 make a favourite quote of mine come to mind…