Building Progress ~ January 2009

As well as bitingly cold weather the New Year has seen some slow progress on the barn.

The hearth has now been installed ready for the chimney and stove and then eventually a joined together, operational heating and hot water system. I’m really looking forward to getting that up-and-running, it’s been so long in planning and commissioning and I’m ready to get it working.

We’ve installed a couple of small electrical 2Kw heaters, that even when turned down to 1.25Kw keep the building warm – all that insulation seems to be working and working well.

It’s been so cold and the gable end wall is still so damp as there is no proper heating that the cold weather has cracked some of the lime render and so will need patching up. Hopefully, a drier, heated wall in future years won’t be so prone to that problem.

Roll on February…






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