Seems like I’ve been repointing for ever and ever…
Back in August I said…
I’m not sure that I’ll hit my end of September goal, but if I need a few more days in October then so-be-it. It’ll be a lovely feeling to get it finished and move onto something else (the to-be back garden is top of the list if the weather holds).
I’ve not managed to complete all the repointing by the end of September, or even by the end of October – but it will be done by the end of November…
Whilst it is not ideal to be lime pointing at this time of year, it’s not yet turned too cold – it’s still usually 10C+ during the day and no real frosts at night. Anyway, I think damp weather is far more lime mortar friendly than dry, sunny weather – and I really need to get this done, so I’ll soldier on.
I just have the top of both the back wall and the gable end to finish. I’m using a ladder to reach the top of the walls which is fine, a bit hard on the feet but otherwise more comfortable that standing on top of a step ladder as I have been. I’ve switched work to the back wall, that I’ve estimated as 8 or so hours work. Hopefully I’ll get that done this weekend (if fireworks allow!). As I’ve already said – We’ll see…
Beyond pointing I’ve very little to report – the final small section of the concrete path has been finished, so once the pointing is done, I think we’re ready for completion. I’ve also tinkered around with the edging of the oak flooring on the landing; I need some more wood of the correct thickness to make a neat job of it.
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