The limewashed gable-end of the barn, done in October 2008 needs a bit of a touch-up so I’ve been looking for a ‘recipe’ for limewash.
The builder who originally limewashed it for me used a bagged hydrated lime mixed with water in something like a 3/4:1 (75kg/100kg water:25kg lime) mix.
But as I’ve still got half a dozen buckets of lime putty available, I thought I’d look for a putty based recipe.
Over on the green building forum Gervase Webb kindly gives the following recipe:
one bucket of putty to one and a half buckets of water and half a cup of linseed oil
Out of interest the recipe using bagged hydrated lime is:
Put 40 litres of water in a plastic dustbin, add one 25 kilo bag of hydrated lime, leave for a couple of days and then beat it up with a paddle mixer, again with a cup of linseed oil added
…which I guess gives a more creamy mix than the 3/4:1 mix I referred to earlier.
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