nothing gives me more comfort or more anxiety than fire

Nothing quite draws your attention like an open fire…

Fire: nothing gives me more comfort or more anxiety than fire.

The fireplace has been subsumed by the TV, pushed out of the nest as by a cuckoo. People now comtemplate the TV, not the fire.
A fire only really comes into its own when it is genuinely needed – when the weather is so cold that you come in shivering, preferably red of nose, blue of cheek and perhaps white of toenail.

Life revolved around the fire and the kitchen range, and the coal cellar or woodshed. Think what we miss when we press buttons or flick switches or adjust thermostats – a whole world of mystery and delight.

Fire is by no means silent; it crackles wheezes, whistles.

Roger Deakin in Notes from Walnut Tree Farm, page 12.






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