The ‘do’ lectures

I’ve spent a bit of time roaming around the slightly confusing web-world of the ‘do’ lectures, the ‘do’ shed and the ‘do’ village. (This article on the Guardian website make things clearer).

Arranged by David and Claire Hieatt (ex of the clothing brand Howies), the lectures are an annual event:

…all about getting a handful of speakers together in one place, in the hope that they may inspire you to go Do something. To give you the tools and the desire to change the things you care about.

You can view many of the previous lectures online at the do lectures home page. I’ll be taking a look myself, as time and broadband speeds allow. Some very interesting people have been involved, Tim Berners-Lee and back in 2008 Trevor Baylis especially stand-out.

One thing that caught my eye on the site was the video embedded below, that is of Lloyd Khan, a pioneer in green building and now a spritely 70-something. Mr Khan was a guiding light in the world of geodesic domes in the late 60’s early 70’s. In a rarely seen display of strength of character and conviction, he was later to turn his back on geodesic domes, decrying them as a poor solution and seeking better ways to build and live. In his words…

You can still use your hands to build a home…

SHELTER from jason sussberg on Vimeo.


The do lectures themselves, look like a fascinating event – more SoCal than SoWal, but all the more engaging for that. iPhones and iPads in darkest West Wales beyond the sphere of 3G conjures an image of ‘twentysomething geeks’ (thanks to the Guardian article for that one!) cast back to the dark ages…






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