Building Progress ~ July 2011

I got plenty of work done outside this month…

…The new lawn certainly takes some cutting, first a hack job with the strimmer then a slightly more ‘styled’ finish with a borrowed mower.

…Edging / retaining walls added around the north facing gable end and much of the garden side wall. I also cleaned out and re-established the land-drain that runs around these two sides and refilled it with 40mm clean stone (which is bloody hard work to shovel).

…I finished painting the windows at last, now all undercoated and finished with the final lightish sage / green.

…I’ve concreted in and then lime pointed the kitchen step. It seems to work well as no-one who has used it has noticed it! A step is only something you’ll really notice if it doesn’t work properly.

…Whilst I was away, H the next door neighbour and a hired machine scrapped the top layer of stone and soil from the yard between the barns. Then six tonnes of bought top soil and somewhere around a tonne that I dug out from the ground at the north facing gable end was spread a couple of inches deep to provide a base for a lawn. I then sowed with grass seed and fertiliser. A football pitch for T & T is sprouting between the barns as I type.

Work has further progressed on the second bedroom. I managed to change the hinge on the window with some help from S. The original didn’t open to 90 degrees therefore didn’t allow proper egress as specified by building reg’s. A replacement ordered on the internet seems to fit the bill. I also installed a radiator cover as a step-up to the escape window (we won’t worry about the drop from the first floor onto concrete once you ‘escape’!).






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