Oak beam lamp stand

My wife has been hankering for some solid oak beam lamp stands for around the barn. You can get them from quite a few places across the ‘net, but the cost of delivery is usually quite prohibative due to the weight and size of them.

As I was tidying the garage the other week I came across a lump of oak beam that I’d squirrelled away there a couple of years ago. I thought it was an offcut from the internal beams, but it can’t be as it is smaller than the large structural beams in the barn. Its source remains a mystery to me.

From Clean Lines

Twenty minutes with the electric plane, a quick sanding and four nailed on feet and I’m pretty pleased with the results.

From Barn Conversion 2011.
Oak beam off-cut before planing
From Barn Conversion 2011.
Oak beam off-cut after planing

My love of salvage and all that hoarding I indulge in sometimes has a pay-off…

From Barn Conversion 2011






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